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  • Ombere, S. O., Nyabundi, A. A. (2023). Effects of COVID-19 on Kenya’s Healthcare System: Healthcare Providers’ Experiences with Maternal Health Services Utilization in Coastal Kenya. World, 4(1), 140-152.
  • Ombere, S. O., Nyambedha, E. O., Haller, T., & Merten, S. (2023). Anti-Politics and Free Maternal Health Services in Kilifi County, Kenya. African Studies, (82)1, 85-97.
  • Ombere, S. O., & Nyambedha, E. O. (2023). Non-adherence to antiretroviral treatment among migrating fishermen in western Kenya’s islands: a rapid qualitative study. African Journal of AIDS Research, (22)3, 237-243.
  • Ombere, S. O., Nyambedha, E. O., Haller, T., & Merten, S. (2023). Local perspectives on policy implementation of free maternity health services in Kenya: Implications for universal health coverage. African Journal of Reproductive Health27(5s), 71–81.
  • Ombere, S. O., & Nyabundi, A. A. (2023). Perceptions of Faculty Officials on Online Learning in Kenyan Institutions of Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Rapid Qualitative Study. In E. Sengupta (Ed.), Higher Education in Emergencies: International Case Studies (Vol. 52., pp. 111-124). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Owoko, L. (2023). Exploring the Disparities between Health Knowledge and Adherence among Adolescents living with HIV on Second-line Antiretroviral Therapy in Rural Western Kenya. Journal of Health Literacy.


  • Ombere, S. O. (2022). Negotiating Access to Maternal Health Services During COVID-19 Pandemic in Kilifi County, Kenya: Rapid Qualitative Study. In S. Roy, & D. Nandy (Eds.), Understanding Post-COVID-19 Social and Cultural Realities: Global Context (pp. 123-136). Springer Nature.
  • Ombere, S.O.Nyambedha, E.O.Haller, T., & Merten, S. (2022). Measures adopted by indigent mothers in Kilifi County to tackle maternal health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 26(12), 57–65.