Dr Lilian Owoko has been invited to contribute as an author for a supplement of the Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS), titled “PEP in Africa: Prospects, Opportunities and Challenges” to be launched in July 2025.
As part of this, she attended the South-South Learning Network (SSLN), Insight 2 Implementation (i2i) Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) working group meeting held in Cape Town, South Africa – 3rd -5th June 2024.
Participating in this event enabled me to update my knowledge of the current debates about HIV and AIDS care and management in Africa. HIV prevention efforts are now being targeted at young people through the use of ARVs (PrEP and PEP). This essentially means that almost all young people, in countries with high HIV burden, in the near future, will be on one form of HIV medication. Those who are infected will be on ART while those who are not will either be on PrEP or PEP. I left the workshop thinking, and still am, of how sustainable this is and to whose benefit it is.