CONCEIVING CHANGE: Re-imagining Reproduction in Africa

EVENT DATE: 27-28 June 2024

VENUE: Harare, Zimbabwe

Across the African continent, as in other parts of the world, reproduction extends far beyond mere childbirth, encompassing a broad spectrum of issues. These include technological advancements, transnational fertility practices and caregiving dynamics, reflecting the multifaceted nature of reproductive experiences worldwide. Yet, for all the richness in Africa, our understanding of reproduction remains limited to concerns about population growth and prevention. Turning against this narrow version of reproduction, in ‘Conceiving Change’, we pose new questions around the complexity of reproduction amidst contemporary realities in Africa. What does reproduction mean in Africa and to Africans? How are contemporary realities configured in redefining reproduction on the continent? And what is the space for faith, ancestors, science, and assisted reproductive technologies in Africa’s reproductive cultures? Through examining the complex terrain of reproductive rights, technologies, social and cultural dynamics of reproduction, encompassing a broad range of issues, including but not limited to; technologies, innovation and reproductive possibilities; transnational reproduction, in/fertility, birthing, parenting, caring, gender, race and sexuality, we aim to invigorate discussions on how we might conceive of reproduction in contemporary times.

Download the conference programme here: